Derived from: (none)
Declared in: be/support/String.h
Library: libbe.so
Allocation: Constructor or on the stack
Summary: more...
BString is a string allocation and manipulation class. The object takes care of allocating and freeing memory for you, and provides a number of character search, comparison, and manipulation functions in a variety of flavors: FindFirst(), FindLast(), Prepend(), Append(), Insert(), Remove(), RemoveSet(), and so on. The class also defines a number of operators that map to these functions; for example, the += operator is the same as the Append() function. The operators make BString objects particularly easy to work with.
This document describes some global C functions and operators that act like BString functions. The global Compare() and ICompare() functions let you compare two BStrings that are passed as arguments; they're meant to be used as hook functions that are called from within a sorting routine (such as qsort()). The global operators are defined so you don't have to worry about the order of the operands.
BString is not thread safe. You shouldn't try to access the same BString object from two different threads at the same time.
Currently, BString only supports assignment and retrieval of strings that contain single-byte characters. If you want to use a BString to store a string that contains multi-byte (UTF8) characters, you have to flatten the string yourself and adjust the character count arguments accordingly.
To assign a BString's string, you pass the string to the object's constructor, to SetTo(), or you use the = or << operators:
BString string("8 Bits");
/* or */
BString string;
string.SetTo("8 Bits");
/* or */
BString string = "8 Bits";
/* or */
BString string;
string << (int32)8 << " Bits";
There's also an Adopt() function that let's you move data from one BString object to another. In all cases, the BString object takes care of allocating storage for you—the object is guaranteed to be "big enough" to contain the string data.
The String() function retrieves the object's string:
ByteAt() returns a single character, located by index. You can also get a character by using the [] operator; the following returns the string's first character:
char c = string[0];
If you want to access a BString's data directly, you call LockBuffer(), and then call UnlockBuffer() when you're finished. Between these two calls, you can manipulate the string data, but you mustn't call any other BString function:
int32 len = string.Length()+1
char *stringData = string.LockBuffer(len);
/* While the buffer is locked you can manipulate the string by hand, or through standard C functions, but you mustn't call BString functions. */
stringData[0] = 'd';
strcat(stringData, " button");
string.UnlockBuffer(len+strlen(" button"));
/* The object can once again receive BString functions. */
![]() | BString() |
BString(const char *string)
BString(const char *string, int32 maxLength)
BString(const BString &string)Creates a new BString object that allocates enough storage to accommodate string (or string->String(), or up to maxLength bytes), and then copies the string into the storage. Without an argument, the new BString is empty. You can also set a BString's data by using SetTo(), Adopt(), or the = operator.
![]() | ~BString() |
~BString() Frees the object's allocated memory, and destroys the object.
![]() | Adopt() see SetTo() |
![]() | Append() , Prepend() , Insert() |
inline BString &Append(const BString &source)
BString &Append(const BString &source, int32 charCount)
inline BString &Append(const char *source)
BString &Append(const char *source, int32 charCount)
BString &Append(char c, int32 charCount)BString &Prepend(const BString &source)
BString &Prepend(const BString &source, int32 charCount)
BString &Prepend(const char *source)
BString &Prepend(const char *source, int32 charCount)
BString &Prepend(char c, int32 charCount)BString &Insert(const BString &source, int32 insertAt)
BString &Insert(const BString &source, int32 charCount, int32 insertAt)
BString &Insert(const BString &source, int32 sourceOffset, int32 charCount, int32 insertAt)
BString &Insert(const char *source, int32 insertAt)
BString &Insert(const char *source, int32 charCount, int32 insertAt)
BString &Insert(const char *source, int32 sourceOffset, int32 charCount, int32 insertAt)
BString &Insert(char c, int32 charCount, int32 insertAt)These functions add characters to the end (append), beginning (prepend), or middle (insert) of the BString's string. In each case, the BString automatically reallocates to accommodate the new data. All of these functions return *this.
Append() copies charCount characters from source and adds them to the end of this BString. If charCount isn't specified, the entire string is copied; this is the same as the += operator. The single character version of Append() adds count copies of the character c to the end of the object.
Prepend() does the same as Append(), except it adds the characters to the beginning of this BString, shifting the existing data "to the right" to make room.
Insert() adds the designated characters at insertAt (zero-based) in this BString. The BString's existing data (at location insertAt and higher) is shifted right to make room for the new data. The sourceOffset argument is an offset (zero-based) into the source string.
![]() |
ByteAt() see String()
CharacterDeescape() see CharacterEscape() | |
![]() | CharacterEscape() , CharacterDeescape() |
BString &CharacterEscape(const char *original,
const char *setOfCharsToEscape, 1w
char escapeWithChar)
BString &CharacterEscape(const char *setOfCharsToEscape, char escapeWithChar)BString &CharacterDeescape(const char *original, char escapeWithChar)
BString &CharacterDeescape(char escapeWithChar)CharacterEscape() scans a string for occurrences of the individual characters in the string setOfCharsToEscape and inserts into the string the byte indicated by escapeWithChar before each such occurrence. The first form copies the original string into the BString; the second form operates on the existing BString.
CharacterDeescape() undoes this operation by scanning the string and removing all occurrences of the byte escapeWithChar. The first form copies the original string into the BString, while the second form operates on the existing BString.
![]() | Compare() , ICompare() |
int Compare(const BString &string) const
int Compare(const BString &string, int32 range) const
int Compare(const char *string) const
int Compare(const char *string, int32 range) const
int Compare(const BString &astring, const BString &bstring) global
int Compare(const BString *astring, const BString *bstring) globalint ICompare(const BString &string) const
int ICompare(const BString &string, int32 range) const
int ICompare(const char *string) const
int ICompare(const char *string, int32 range) const
int ICompare(const BString &astring, const BString &bstring) global
int ICompare(const BString *astring, const BString *bstring) globalThese functions compare this BString with the argument string (Compare() is case-sensitive, ICompare() is case-insensitive); they return 0 if the two strings are the same, 1 if this BString is "greater than" the argument, and -1 if the argument is greater than this BString. Two strings are compared by comparing the ASCII or UTF-8 values of their respective characters. A longer string is greater than a shorter (but otherwise similar) string—"abcdef" is greater than "abcde".
Given a range argument, the functions only compare the first range characters.
The global functions return 0 if the arguments are equal, 1 if astring is greater than bstring, and -1 if bstring is greater than astring.
You can also compare two strings through the comparison operators, ==, !=, <, <=, >, and =>.
![]() | CopyInto() , MoveInto() |
BString &CopyInto(BString &destination, int32 sourceOffset,
int32 charCount) const
void CopyInto(char *destination, int32 sourceOffset, int32 charCount) constBString &MoveInto(BString &destination, int32 sourceOffset, int32 charCount)
void MoveInto(char *destination, int32 sourceOffset, int32 charCount)CopyInto() copies a substring from this BString into destination. MoveTo() does the same, but it removes the original substring (from this BString). If destination is a BString, storage for the substring is automatically allocated; if the destination is a char *, the caller is responsible for allocating sufficient storage.
The substring comprises charCount characters starting at character sourceOffset (zero-based). After the substring is removed, the remaining characters move (to the left) to fill in the gap (MoveTo() only). For example:
BString source, destination;
source.MoveInto(&destination, 2, 3);
/* source.String() == "abfg" */
/* destination.String() == "cde" */
The functions return destination (or void).
![]() | CountChars() , Length() |
int32 CountChars(void) const inline int32 Length(void) const CountChars() returns the length of the object's string measured in characters; Length() returns the length measured in bytes.
![]() | FindFirst() , IFindFirst() , FindLast() , IFindLast() |
int32 FindFirst(const BString &string) const
int32 FindFirst(const BString &string, int32 offset) const
int32 FindFirst(const char *string) const
int32 FindFirst(const char *string, int32 offset) const
int32 FindFirst(char c) const
int32 FindFirst(char c, int32 offset) constint32 FindLast(const BString &string) const
int32 FindLast(const BString &string, int32 offset) const
int32 FindLast(const char *string) const
int32 FindLast(const char *string, int32 offset) const
int32 FindLast(char c) const
int32 FindLast(char c, int32 offset) constint32 IFindFirst(const BString &string) const
int32 IFindFirst(const BString &string, int32 offset) const
int32 IFindFirst(const char *string) const
int32 IFindFirst(const char *string, int32 offset) constint32 IFindLast(const BString &string) const
int32 IFindLast(const BString &string, int32 offset) const
int32 IFindLast(const char *string) const
int32 IFindLast(const char *string, int32 offset) constThese functions return the index of the first or last occurrence (within this BString) of a substring or character. FindFirst() and FindLast() are case-sensitive; IFindFirst() and IFindLast() are case-insensitive. The functions return B_ERROR if the character isn't found.
The offset versions only look in the portion of this BString that starts at character offset (for [I]FindFirst()), or that ends at character offset (for [I]FindLast()). For example, in this example...
BString astring("AbcAbcAbc");
astring.FindLast("Abc", 7);
...the FindLast() call returns 3, the index of the last complete instance of "Abc" that occurs before character 7.
![]() |
I see Compare()
Insert() see Append()
| ![]()
Length() see CountChars() | |
![]() | LockBuffer() , UnlockBuffer() |
char *LockBuffer(int32 maxLength) BString &UnlockBuffer(int32 length = -1) LockBuffer() returns a pointer to the object's string; you're allowed to manipulate this pointer directly. The maxLength argument lets you ask the object to allocate some extra space at the end of the string before passing you the pointer. If maxLength is less than the string's current length, the argument is ignored (pass 0 if you want to lock the buffer but don't need to pre-allocate extra space).
UnlockBuffer() tells the object that you're done manipulating the string pointer. length is the string's new length; if you pass -1, the BString gets the length by calling strlen() on the string. The functions returns *this.
Every LockBuffer() must be balanced by a subsequent UnlockBuffer(). In between the two calls, you may not call any BString functions. Many of the BString functions assert an error if they're called while the buffer is locked.
See "Direct Data Access" for an example.
![]() |
MoveInto() see CopyInto()
Prepend() see Append() | |
![]() | Remove() , RemoveFirst() , RemoveLast() , RemoveAll() , RemoveSet() |
BString &Remove(int32 startingAt, int32 charCount) BString &RemoveFirst(const BString &string)
BString &RemoveFirst(const char *string)BString &RemoveLast(const BString &string)
BString &RemoveLast(const char *string)BString &RemoveAll(const BString &string)
BString &RemoveAll(const char *string)BString &RemoveSet(const char *charSet) These functions remove characters from the BString and reallocate the object's storage so it fits the new (smaller) data. The functions return *this.
Remove() removes charCount characters, starting with character startingAt (zero-based).
RemoveFirst(), RemoveLast(), and RemoveAll() remove, respectively, the first, last and every occurrence of string within the object.
RemoveSet() removes all occurrences of every character in the charSet string. For example:
BString string("ab abc abcd");
/* 'string' now contains "a ac ac" */
![]() | Replace() , ReplaceFirst() , ReplaceLast() , ReplaceSet() , IReplace() , IReplaceFirst() , IReplaceLast() |
BString &Replace(const char *old, const char *new, int32 count, int32 offset = 0)
BString &Replace(char old, char new, int32 count, int32 offset = 0)BString &ReplaceFirst(const char *old, const char *new)
BString &ReplaceFirst(char old, char new)BString &ReplaceLast(const char *old, const char *new)
BString &ReplaceLast(char old, char new)BString &ReplaceAll(const char *old, const char *new, int32 offset = 0)
BString &ReplaceAll(char old, char new, int32 offset = 0)BString &ReplaceSet(const char *oldSet, const char *new)
BString &ReplaceSet(const char *oldSet, char new)BString &IReplace(const char *old, const char *new, int32 count, int32 offset = 0)
BString &IReplace(char old, char new, int32 count, int32 offset = 0)BString &IReplaceFirst(const char *old, const char *new)
BString &IReplaceFirst(char old, char new)BString &IReplaceLast(const char *old, const char *new)
BString &IReplaceLast(char old, char new)BString &IReplaceAll(const char *old, const char *new, int32 offset = 0)
BString &IReplaceAll(char old, char new, int32 offset = 0)These functions find occurrences of old within the BString, and replace them with new. In the Replace...() functions, the search for old is case-insensitive; in the IReplace...() functions, the search is case-insensitive. The functions return *this.
[I]Replace() replaces the first count occurrences that start on or after the character at offset.
[I]ReplaceFirst() and [I]ReplaceLast() replace only the first and last occurrence (respectively).
[I]ReplaceAll() replaces all occurrence that start on or after the character at offset.
[I]ReplaceSet() is slightly different from the others: It replaces each occurrence of any character in oldSet with the character or the entire string given by new. For example:
BString astring("a-b-c");
astring.ReplaceSet("abc", "ABC");
/* astring is now "ABC-ABC-ABC" */
![]() | SetTo() , Adopt() |
inline BString &SetTo(const char *source)
BString &SetTo(const char *source, int32 charCount)
BString &SetTo(const BString &source)
BString &SetTo(const BString &source, int32 charCount)
BString &SetTo(char c, int32 charCount)BString &Adopt(BString &source)
BString &Adopt(BString &source, int32 charCount)These functions initialize a BString's string data. Storage for the data is automatically allocated by the functions. The object's current data is wholly replaced by the new data. The functions return *this.
SetTo() copies charCount characters from source into this object. If charCount isn't given, the entire string is copied; this form is equivalent to the = operator. The single character version of SetTo() sets the object's data to a charCount-length string that consists entirely of the character c.
Adopt() moves charCount characters from source into this object, and then clears source's data (pointer). Note that source will be empty after you call Adopt(), even if charCount is less than source's full length.
![]() | String() , ByteAt() |
inline const char *String() const inline char ByteAt(int32 index) const String() returns a pointer to the object's string, guaranteed to be NULL terminated. You may not modify or free the pointer. If the BString is deleted, the pointer becomes invalid.
ByteAt() returns the index'th character in the string. If index is out of bounds, the function returns 0. Except for the boundary check, this function is the same as the [] operator.
![]() | ToLower() , ToUpper() , Capitalize() , CapitalizeEachWord() |
BString &ToLower(void) BString &ToUpper(void) BString &Capitalize(void) BString &CapitalizeEachWord(void) ToLower() converts every character in the string to lower case; ToUpper() converts them all to upper case. Non-alphabetic characters aren't affected.
Capitalize() converts the first alphabetic character in the word to upper case, and the rest to lower case. CapitalizeEachWord() converts the first alphabetic character in each "word" to upper case, and the rest to lower case. A word is a group of alphabetic characters delimited by non-alphabetic characters.
The functions return *this.
Capitalize() and CapitalizeEachWord() are broken in Release 4.0.
![]() | Truncate() |
BString &Truncate(int32 charCount, bool lazy = true) Truncate() shrinks the object's string so that it's charCount characters long. This function will not lengthen the string: If charCount is equal to or greater than the string's current character count, the function does nothing.
If lazy is false, the string is immediately reallocated to trim it to the new size (and the excess is immediately freed). If it's true, the string is set to the new size, but the excess isn't freed until the next storage manipulating function is called. It's slightly more efficient to be lazy; otherwise, the two forms of the function are identical.
The function returns *this.
![]() | LockBuffer() |
![]() | = (assignment) |
BString& operator=(const BString &string)
BString& operator=(const char *string)
BString& operator=(const char character)Sets the contents of the BString to string or character, and returns *this.
![]() | += (append) |
inline BString& operator+=(const BString &string)
BString& operator+=(const char *string)
BString& operator+=(const char character)Appends string or character to this BString, and returns *this.
![]() | << (formatted append) |
BString &operator<<(const char *string)
BString &operator<<(const BString &string)
BString &operator<<(char c)
BString &operator<<(uint32 val)
BString &operator<<(int32 val)
BString &operator<<(uint64 val)
BString &operator<<(int64 val)
BString &operator<<(float val)Converts the right operand to a string (if necessary), and appends it to the left operand. Floating point values are always written with two decimal digits:
BString astring("The result is: "), bstring(" bps");
float result = 12.5;
astring << result << bstring;
Here, astring becomes "The result is: 12.50 bps".
Multiple append operations are evaluated from left to right, so that only the leftmost operand is modified. For example:
BString astring("a"), bstring("b"), cstring("c");
astring << bstring << cstring;
Here, bstring is appended to astring, and then cstring is appended to the result; thus, astring is "abc", and bstring is still "b".
![]() | [] (indexing) |
char operator[](int32 index) const
inline char &operator[](int32 index)Returns the character at index in the string. No boundary checking is done –– it's up to the caller to ensure that index is in bounds.
![]() | == , != , < , > , <= , >= (comparison) |
inline bool operator==(const BString &string) const
bool operator==(const char *string) const
global inline bool operator==(const char *string, const BString &string) constinline bool operator!=(const BString &string) const
inline bool operator!=(const char *string) const
global inline bool operator!=(const char *string, const BString &string) constinline bool operator<(const BString &string) const
bool operator<(const char *string) const
global inline bool operator<(const char *string, const BString &string) constinline bool operator<=(const BString &string) const
bool operator<=(const char *string) const
global inline bool operator<=(const char *string, const BString &string) constinline bool operator>(const BString &string) const
bool operator>(const char *string) const
global inline bool operator>(const char *string, const BString &string) constinline bool operator>=(const BString &string) const
bool operator>=(const char *string) const
global inline bool operator>=(const char *string, const BString &string) constCase-sensitive comparison of two strings. Two strings are compared by comparing the ASCII or UTF-8 values of their respective characters. A longer string is greater than a shorter (but otherwise similar) string—"abcdef" is greater than "abcde".
The global versions of these operators are provided so you don't have to worry about the order of the operands; for example:
if (astring == "Okay")
/* ...is equivalent to... */
if ("Okay" == astring)
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